--------------------------------       因为陌生,所以勇敢,因为距离,所以美丽。 -----------------------------------------------

--------------------------------       ┏━━┓我   ●╭○╮  我┏━━┓ --------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------       ┃天长┃想°☆ /█∨█\ ☆ 爱┃曾经┃ --------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------       ┃地久┃你   ∏ ∏   你┃拥有┃ --------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------       ┗━━┛  ㊣☆爱你一生☆㊣ ┗━━┛ ---------------------------------------------------


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Monday, March 2, 2009


Headache? @.@ Lets perform some simple massage techniques, which are quite relaxing for me.. ^^

How to locate the headache pressure point. When the thumb and index finger are brought together, as when making a fist, the headache pressure point is located at the highest spot on the muscle bulge between the thumb and index finger.

Pressure points can be stimulated with finger pressure. Direct pressure to the headache point by pinching between the thumb and finger is one of the simplest and most effective methods. Press the point lightly, progressing slowly deeper until you feel a distending sensation around the point or a dull ache that spreads or travels outward from the point. Press and hold the point until pain subsides and you feel the muscles relax.

Another simple exercise:

This exercise can be done for 20-30 seconds each time throughout the day to prevent the ill effects of the slumped posture.
Roll your shoulders back and down by squeezing your shoulder blades together, rotate your hands outward, then pull your chin straight back as if you are trying to touch your chin to your neck. Do not bend the head forward.
To begin, stand in a position of good posture illustrated at the top of the page and breathe. Breathing should be relaxed and full using the diaphragm. When you breathe in - your belly should go out and when you breathe out - your belly should go in.


YEAp~ I LOVE MAssage ^^


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